Thursday, January 24, 2013


As I read Recitatif, I could not help but relate with the focalizer. No, I did not experience a childhood anything like Twyla did. However, I felt the relationship these two girls developed over those four months and subsequently a lifetime mirrored relationship experiences in my own life. Morrison did an excellent job of making this friendship substantial and relatable, instead of the BFF scenario we see played out incessantly.
The best example of this for me was the Howard Johnson’s meeting. I have certainly had this experience before, like many have, from both Roberta and Twyla’s point of view. You see the friend; you really don’t want to see the friend. They see you. Crap. Even Morrison’s use of “wow” by Roberta was dead on. I believed right when I read that word that Twyla would be hurt and embarrassed after their encounter. I later found that to be true, especially when Twyla recalls “Howard Johnson’s and looking for a chance to speak only to be greeted with a stingy ‘wow’.” Those were my thoughts exactly.

This story truly resonated with me simply for the realistic view of a childhood-turned-lifelong friendship between two girls. The following quote by Morrison herself is reflected perfectly in Recitatif.

"A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves, a special kind of double."

1 comment:

  1. The meeting in the Howard Johnson's really stands out in the story because of how non chalant Roberta is about the meeting and hardly recognizes the friendship at all. It's strange because its the first time the women are reunited after their initial time together and the longest period of time the two had gone without contact as well the first time they have met not as children. This must also be the most painful for Twyla because even when they met at the protest on opposite sides Roberta aknowledged there relationship and shared past.
