Sunday, February 24, 2013

This Is Just to Say

This Is Just to Say
by William Carlos Williams
I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox
and which
you were probably
for breakfast
Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold
This poem defines relatable for me. Its simplicity drew me in and the subject left me there. A simple note maybe written by your significant other. Too busy for punctuation, but written with sincerity. The person is sorry for eating your plums, but they wouldn't take it back. The plums were so sweet and delicious. Then possibly its more of a thank you note. Thank you for leaving these plums in the icebox for me to find. I'm sure the receiver of this note would not mind having their plums taken. The note exhibiting a sweet gesture of recognition. I know if I received a poem apologizing for the simple crime of eating my plums, I might leave more plums in the icebox.

Interestingly enough, there are actually websites devoted to parodies of William's short work. I will post a couple here that made me smirk.
This Is Just to Say
by an internet user

I have narrowed
the margins
that were set
by your browser

and which
you were

Forgive me
they were wide
my eyeballs
cannot swivel
side to side 
This Is Just to Say
by Christine
I have shredded
the photos
that were in
the back of your drawer
and which
you were probably
to remember
your beautiful ex girlfriend
Forgive me
they were so flat
and old
I've also found a radio program that has some of the best parodies spoken aloud. This part starts in Act Two at about 50 minutes in.


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